Enhanced Qualitative Market Research Services

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In-depth Interviews

In-depth interviews are one-on-one interviews conducted either over the phone or in-person across multiple geographies.

Our specialist domain experts understand and code open-ended responses efficiently and accurately by following the standards set by the client.


Benefits of In-depth Interviews

Ability to handle surveys of any scope

Appointment-based Interviews

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Targeting actual decision-makers

Multilingual and multi-geographical qualitative data analysis and interview

Questioning that enables researchers to go beyond initial responses

Focus Group Discussions

Focus Group Discussions are predetermined, semi-structured interviews led by skilled moderators who ask broad questions to elicit responses and create opportunities for discussions among participants.

These discussions are an exemplary method for those who want to understand issues at a deeper level than one can get from a survey.


Features of Focus Group Discussions

Organized discussions with selected individuals for their views

Insights on people's shared understanding of life and their influences

Several perspectives on the same topic

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Moderators possessing brilliant group leadership and interpersonal skills


Online Bulletin Board

An online bulletin board is one of the most interactive, creative methods of conducting qualitative market research to gather the best insights for questions related to the exploratory study.

This qualitative data collection method involves gathering a virtual assembly to facilitate data production through interactive discussions among participants and moderators.

Benefits of online bulletin boards

Flexibility for researchers and clients

Multiple levels of Interaction between researchers and respondents

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Convenience and time for reflection to participants

Minimum attrition and maximum participation

Seamless transition between all types of interactions


In-Home Usage Testing (iHUTs)

In-home usage tests (IHUTs) are a popular market research methodology for all stages of product development where people often use the product in-home.

IHUTs Allow product innovators to filly test their consumer goods before launching them to the masses. In doing so, manufacturers can work out any twists or make significant improvements.

Purposes of iHUTs

Gather real market research insights from potential consumers
Evaluate product potential and identify its USP
Identify the product's positive/negative characteristics
Understand the potential purchase intent of the Target Audience
Enhanced product acceptance
Prediction of consumer price acceptability
Apprehend product improvement areas
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